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’Tis the Season to be Consistent

’Tis the Season to Be Consistent

5 tips to stay in control during the holidays

The holiday season is here which means your calendars are full of parties, dinners and celebrations. Your regimented training schedule and nutritional plan is disrupted by all the baked goods, big meals and best friends buying you shots at the bar.

You’re feeling a little out of control. You’re probably eating and drinking more, sleeping less and you feel like all your hard work is getting thrown out the window.

We’re here to help coach you through this season so you can maintain your gains! 

1. Be flexible

Accept the fact that you might not get your full 3-5 training sessions in each week and accept the fact that is okay. The more you fight this, the more you will find yourself frustrated. So, go easy on yourself. Do what you can. Reduce your workout durations, get outside and just try and move as often as possible.

Saltus tip: A short workout is better than no workout.

2. Plan ahead

Going out to eat? Take a minute to look at the menu beforehand so you can decide with a clear mind what will be best for you. Deciding ahead of time will make you less likely to give into a craving or follow what others are ordering.

Saltus tip: Try to select a high protein meal with vegetables.

3. Snack small and snack often

Having regular healthy snacks will help prevent you from binging at the dinner or holiday party. This will keep your stomach satiated so you can continue to make smart food choices.

Saltus tip: start preparing small snack packages now so you can quickly grab one when you’re on the go. 

Our favourites:

  •  Hard boiled eggs
  • • Mixed nuts with fruit
  • • Bowl of soup

4. Portion control

Food is made in large quantities and there is always the pushy family member asking everyone to eat more. Try your best to control your portions. Don’t restrict yourself from eating what you want. Eat it all, but just not a big serving of each.

Saltus tip: Try and use a smaller plate! Fill it up so it still feels like a big portion.

5. Make a non-negotiable

Create or keep one non-negotiable habit for yourself that aligns with your healthy lifestyle. This is something that will be done no matter how many mulled wines you may have had the night before. Your non-negotiable should be easily doable from anywhere. It could be a certain number of push-ups or burpees or an amount of water to drink each day. 

Whatever it is, it is your one commitment this season that will not be missed. Show up for yourself here and forgive the rest!

Saltus Tip:: A 30 minute walk each day will get you outside, moving and can be done with your friends and family.

Keeping these five tips in mind will allow you to find some balance and control over the next few weeks.

Come January, we will be back to smashing our personal bests and getting those gains! Contact us if you want to perform at your best.

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