Introductory Offer


Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your scheduled Private Training appointment up to 24 hours prior to the start of your booking.  If you are enrolled in our Small Group Monthly Membership, you may cancel your booked session up to 12 hours in advance. If you cancel without providing 24 and 12 hours notice, respectively, of your scheduled appointment, you will be charged the total amount you have paid for your session. If you’ve purchased a package of private training sessions or if you’re signed up for our Small-Group Monthly Membership, one session will be deducted from your remaining session count. If unique circumstances prevent you from attending your session or cancelling with 24 or 12 hours notice, respectively, please speak to your coach or management as soon as possible or contact us

Expiry Policy

Sessions purchased on an individual basis will expire one month from the date of purchase, and all sessions purchased as part of a package of sessions will expire six months from the date of the first session attended.  Sessions purchased as part of our small-group monthly membership expire after 365 days from the date of purchase, as long as you’re currently enrolled in the program. If you cancel your small group monthly membership and have unused sessions, you may use those sessions at a later date upon returning to the program. 

Session Transfers, Credits, Refunds

You cannot transfer your sessions on your account to anyone else, including family members. We do not issue refunds for sessions, packages, or contract installments that have already been purchased. Additionally, we do not issue credits to your account for expired sessions due to not being used within six months from the date of purchase for private training sessions, or within the month of purchase for our small-group monthly membership. 

Are You Sure You Want to Cancel?

We would hate to see you leave. As a token of our appreciation, we're offering you a 20% off your next session. If you're looking to keep performance training, this could be a great opportunity for you.


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